St. Augustine once said that "He who sings prays twice." Certainly, the scriptures are full with examples of holy men and women throughout salvation history giving praise to God through song. Who can forget Hannah's song of thanksgiving or Mary's Magnificat. The Bible even contains its own hymnal for use in worship, the Book of Psalms. Indeed mankind has always given praise to God through music and that is still true today. Here at St. Clement we are happy to have a very vibrant music ministry with excellent musicians assisting our parish community with the use of their voices and a variety of other musical instruments. We certainly give thanks to all who share their musical gifts with our parish community!
The Music Ministry provides music for our Sunday liturgies as well as Holy Days of Obligation and at special activities throughout the year. The Music Ministry includes an Adult Choir, Handbell Choir, Brass Ensemble, Children's Ensemble, and a Spanish Choir to assist with our weekly Spanish Mass.
If you sing or play any musical instruments and would like to volunteer those talents to give glory to God in the liturgy or if you have any questions, please contact our Director of Music, Louis Hackett, [email protected].