To the Parishioners of St. Clement of Rome:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you for being so faithful in the midst of the many challenges and hardships brought on by this pandemic. Anger, fear, anxiety, frustration, and uncertainty are all valid emotions at this time - we must allow ourselves to “feel what we are feeling.” In fact, this is precisely what the first disciples of Jesus felt in that first Holy Week. Other than the Blessed Mother, St. John, and the other Marys, all of the other disciples were “self-quarantined,” hiding in fear of all that was happening in the world. Even after the Resurrection, Jesus meets the disciples in their hiding place, where they were locked up in fear. He greets them with these very powerful yet simple words, “Peace be with you.”
Today, the disciples of Jesus are once again hiding in their homes, waiting for the Lord to deliver them from this pandemic. We must allow ourselves to hear Jesus speak these same powerful words to us, “Peace be with you.” Whatever the emotions that we may be experiencing, we must turn to the Lord in faith and trust and beg him for that peace that only He can give. The peace of Christ is the only peace that can take away all of our fear and anxiety.
We must remember that Holy Week is not an arbitrary celebration - Holy Week is a memory. A memory of REAL EVENTS. The real events of OUR SALVATION! Nothing can take this memory away from us. Nothing can take this reality away from us. Do not be discouraged by the fact that we are not free to physically go to church to celebrate these sacred memories. Instead, please gather your family together and pray with us, united via live stream. This is a unique opportunity for us to unite all of the suffering that we are experiencing to the sufferings of Christ, so that with him, we can rise again.
Please know that all of you remain in our constant prayers. As well, we will offer your family and your intentions to the Lord as we celebrate the Masses and liturgies of Holy Week. Please join us via Facebook live so that we can all be united in prayer as a parish family.
Wishing you and your family an abundance of blessings during this Holy Week.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Luis and Fr. Andrew