The Men's Prayer Group meets each Tuesday morning in Parish Center Seton Room at 7:00 a.m. to discuss assigned scriptural passages. Group members serve to strengthen one another, moving from a reflection on scripture and into their own joys and struggles of life. Consider finding out more about this group by attending one Tuesday morning.
On a Monday night in May of 1985, Danny Abramowicz, a former New Orleans Saints player, invited eleven men to his Metairie home. Danny believed he was being called by God to start a Catholic men's prayer group. All eleven came and started what has become the Monday Night Disciples. His group has continuously met for the last thirty-nine years. St. Clement of Rome has graciously allowed us to meet here since the 1990's. We meet every Monday night in the Seton Room of the Parish Center. We not only pray and worship the Lord, but also have teachings and testimonies. There are also outside speakers to build up and support the spiritual life of each man and to assist in the efforts to reach out to others. While the Monday night meetings remain the main focus of the group, we have expanded our service to others with auxiliary programs such as All God's Babies, which provides free caskets for babies who die under two years of age. We also provide support to the archdiocese for Men's spirituality events and prayer vigils in support of pro-life. We welcome any new members and would be honored to have you come and experience the brotherhood we have had over the years. For more information, check out our website at
The aim of the Holy Name Society is to honor the names of God and of Jesus Christ by the examples of a sensible religious life, to spread and increase love for the sacred name of Jesus Christ, to suppress blasphemy, profane and indecent language, to impart to Christians courage in the profession of their faith. The Holy Name Society owes its origin to Pope Gregory X in the year 1274, which commanded the newly-founded Dominican Order to inculcate greater devotion to the holy names of God and Jesus Christ. Members abstain from every form of profane and unbecoming speech, safeguard the proper observance of Sundays and holidays of obligation, and receive Holy Communion with the members of the Society on the second Sunday of each month. On the second Sunday of each month, we celebrate the 10:00 a.m. Mass together and meet briefly after Mass in the Parish Center for a coffee and donut reception.
The Rosary Devotions ministry responds to Our Lady’s requests to pray the rosary daily for world peace, the conversion of sinners and to wear the brown scapular. There are three meetings a year to plan activities, primarily the annual Living Rosary night that is always the last Tuesday in October and the Rosary Commitment Weekend. The Rosary Devotion committee members are responsible for the distribution of sacramentals, primarily the rosaries, scapulars, and St. Clement of Rome CD’s, which contain the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries, all at no charge.
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary sanctifies its members through spiritual works of mercy and is a powerful means of helping our priests to evangelize those committed to their care. The Legion of Mary has been commended by popes, cardinals, and bishops. Established at St. Clement of Rome in 1988 and in existence in the New Orleans area since 1945, the Legion of Mary is the largest Catholic lay organization in the world. The Legion of Mary was founded in Dublin, Ireland in 1921 by Frank Duff, who is being considered for canonization. Members become instruments of the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of prayer and service. Works include door to door evangelization and census taking, parishioner visitation, visitation of the aged, religious education, arranging for the Sacrament of the Sick, arranging Sacrament of Reconciliation, crowd contact, and other spiritual needs of the parish community. The Legion is, in essence, an extension of the heart and hands of the pastor. Legionaries’ duties require from each Legionary an attendance at a weekly meeting, daily recitation of the Legion Prayer, and two hours of spiritual works a week and absolute respect for the confidential nature of matters discussed. Each member is committed to at least one closed retreat yearly, and any spiritual work that our pastor requests. The group is committed to a bi-annual adoration day held at Notre Dame Seminary to pray for vocations. Also, the rosary before each Mass on the weekend is led by our ministry.